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Serbian government official banned from entering Kosovo for Easter

The head of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo, Petar Petkovic, has been denied permission to visit Kosovo on Orthodox Easter, a press release said on Friday.

It said that Petkovic was planning to attend the Easter midnight liturgy at the Decani monastery, the morning service at the Gracanica monastery, followed by a visit to the Draganac monastery.

“Although the visit was solely of a religious nature and included only visits to monasteries, Serbian Orthodox Church sanctities, in the spirit of the Serbian people’s greatest holiday, without any political intentions, the authorities in Pristina banned the visit offering no explanation,” said the press release.

The Office said Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has been denying Petkovic the right to visit Kosovo for over a year, adding that these bans are “groundless, and a direct violation of the agreement on the freedom of movement and official visits, especially when this concerns Serbia’s chief negotiator in the (EU-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina) Dialogue.”

Source: N1
