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Serbia, Russia sign health care cooperation memorandum

The Serbian and Russian Health Ministers, Danica Grujicic and Mikhail Murashko signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to reinforce relations between the two health care systems and allow new forms of cooperation.

A Serbian government press release quoted Grujicic as saying that “the Memorandum includes various directions of cooperation, the most important of which is the exchange of experiences in the field of oncology, children’s health and cardiology”.

She said Serbian experts took part in meetings in Russia on public health, prevention of infectious diseases, improvements in the treatment of premature births, adding that “they were amazed by the way Russian experts work”. According to the press release, Grujicic wants some forms of organization used in Russia implemented in Serbia.

Murashko is quoted as saying that his delegation is in Serbia to exchange experiences on technology and health care.

Source: N1
