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Modelling Transmission Lines Across the Balkans

The Serbian Transmission System Operator (TSO) is working with Energy Exemplar to model its national grid and transmission lines  in high resolution.

Elektromreža Srbije (EMS) will use Energy Exemplar’s PLEXOS modelling software to assess adequacy of balancing capacities with the shift to renewable energy in Serbia and the surrounding countries.

Electricity production in Serbia currently relies on low-quality lignite (coal) for approximately 70% of its energy needs. Modelling future energy scenarios and the long-term effects of greater investment into alternative energy will help Serbia to improve energy security and affordability and to integrate renewable energy storages.

EMS plans extensive investments to renew the existing and construct new transmission capacities over the next ten years. Over the three-year initial agreement period, PLEXOS modelling will allow EMS to use simulation technologies to model future investments, including investments in new conventional and renewable energy sources and infrastructure.

Serbia’s access to the Danube provides the remaining 30% of the electricity from hydropower and it is very important for EMS to accurately model hydro energy capacities.

Extensive modelling of line losses will help EMS better understand and manage costs, and procure energy necessary for the compensation of transmission grid losses. Simulating markets will help EMS to plan short-, medium- and long-term procurement decisions, forecasting losses and investment opportunities.

Bordering eight countries, Serbia plays a pivotal role in the energy trade in the region. Other adopters of the solution, who have access to similar data sets, will, as a result of the agreement, be able to work more closely with Serbia to ensure fair and predictable prices, and mitigate risks.

“Energy markets across Europe are undergoing rapid and unprecedented change. Utilising technology will be key to ensuring this transition is smooth. PLEXOS gives us the capability of testing scenarios around supply and demand, storage, pricing and integrating new forms of energy so EMS knows the impacts across long term asset investments,” said Nebojša Vučinić, director of Development Directorate at EMS.

“PLEXOS modelling will help simulate potential losses and future scenarios towards making more intelligent and informed decisions about the form and nature investment should take,” said Michael Schneider, Senior Vice President and Head of EMEA at Energy Exemplar.

Source: Eenews Europe
